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Old April 1st 05, 03:24 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Barry wrote:

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 04:34:53 GMT, Dave Heil

John Passaneau wrote:

Their location is much better for Europe and the west coast than here in the
east. My propagation software shows that for today (30th) its possible to
work them at 1:00UTC on 30m, 4:00UTC on 20 and 17 and 13:00UTC on 15m. The
problem is that they are seldom on those band at the required times. They
have been on the lower bands working Europe not North America. As I work and
I'm unwilling to take a day off to work DX they have been a hard go. Anyway
Sunday on 30m is when I worked too.

John Passaneau
Penn State University

I'm just a couple of hours west of you in the northern panhandle of West
Virginia. The first band I caught them on was 17. Over the next
several days, I managed to add 40 and 80 and last night, 160m. I'm all

Dave K8MN

And I'm just a few hours east of you. I've worked them all bands
160-12m. The only tough ones were 160 and 12. There have been
several evening, about 0300Z, a bit after their sunrise, when they've
been s9+ on 40m. They've also had very good signals on 20m, longpath
in the morning, and when I worked them on 20 RTTY about 0330Z, they
were albout s7, shortpath..
Barry W2UP

Good going! I had no chance on 20/15 meters as one of my towers came
down during a windstorm at the end of November. The replacement tower
is in place but the new tribander isn't yet assembled.

The next to last night of operation, the 40m op was CQing with no takers
late in the evening here. I listened to about fifteen minutes of CQing
with no takers before calling him for an insurance contact. 160m looked
like it might be more of a challenge due to QRMers on his transmit
frequency and a horde of non-stop W callers. The QRM let up and I found
a "sweet spot" for calling". It helps being out in the sticks since the
noise level is a lot lower.

Dave K8MN
Cameron, WV