"A.Melon" wrote:
In article
Dave Heil wrote out of his fatass :
K4YZ wrote:
And High-el doesn't know what the **** he is talking about.
Roger hasn't recieved...
What is "recieved"?
..."repeat visits with the chief of police".
You ar a liar.
What is "You ar"? Yes, Roger, you've had a number of chats with Chief
He isn't about to get another one either, dumbass.
If I were you, I wouldn't want to make a bet on that.
Goddamn, are you one stupid f--k.
Then again, I'm not the one getting into scrapes with the law and with
the FCC.
Roger has had repeated run-ins with the FCC as well. Roger's
been taped
QRMing other stations on 20m. A local dropped a dime on him.
retesting is legend.
You having some reading comprehension problems in your old age,
Muddy Water's ex c--ks--ker?
What is your fixation on homosexuality, Roger? Okay, you've visited my
web site. You've seen a photo of me with Muddy Waters. Now what?
You mean you made forged tapes of him and sent them in.
Well now, that would have been tricky. You see, I was in Tanzania when
you had your run in with the FCC.
You and
your fatassed buddy Bertie, who when talks about a hard drive
describes the physical dimensions, not the capacity.
I see another problem with your theory, Roger. Bert was on active duty
with the military in Germany during that period. That leaves you locked
on the horns of a dilemma. By the way, I know the local who did it, but
I'm not telling. Needless to say that the FCC found the tape
And Roger passed his retest, which in the FCC letter had no
reason given other than the FCC can at any time, retest somebody
under the VE program , and upgraded, while you still do nothing
for amateur radio.
Let's ask Phil Kane if he has ever heard of an instance in which the FCC
forced a retest for no reason at all. By the way, do you consider your
upgrade as "doing something for amateur radio"?
For somebody who says they've been a ham as long as you are, you
sure don't know Part 97.
There is no proof of your statement. I've never had any problems with
the FCC--none.
High-el forgets to mention the years of therapy he had to endure
after his daddy assraped him repeatedly as a child.
What is this homoerotic fixation you have, Roger? Have you sought help
for it?
Pot kettle black.
You have been running your mouth and doing
You can check in with your local police. You'll find that they have a
large number of your newsgroup posts and e-mails to me on hand. I've
visited them a number times when you were the only topic. That isn't
exactly "doing nothing". In this case, you are both the pot and the
kettle. It is evident that you have a problem with "black".
Tell us how your deceased Episcopalian priest daddy
didn't molest you and the other altar boys.
Is that from one of your fantasies? Do you have a thing about altar
Dave K8MN