Another thing I discovered.....................somebody had replaced the
blown 1st mixer with some sort of ECG substitute. As a result, the gain was
about 20dB lower than expected. I popped in the correct chip (SL6440C) and
the receiver is working quite well now. Sensitivity is very similar to the
HF-150, as is system gain. Lowe came out with a winner with this one.
If I get enough of these broken receivers, I may become a Lowe expert in
another 100 years.
Anyway, if anybody has some sort of problem with their receiver, feel free
to shout me down, using my e-mail address.
"Pete KE9OA" wrote in message
I picked up yet another "perfectly working" Lowe receiver. This one would
howl for the first 5 minutes of operation, the FM detector didn't work for
this time because of low I.F. injections level, and system gain would be
low during this time.
I traced the problem to a 100uF lytic cap near the audio amp. After the
unit warmed up, I hit several components with freeze spray. After I found
this problem component, I removed it completely and the problem became
much worse. When I tacked a cap into the circuit to test my theory, the
receiver started working properly. The cap must have been leaky, because
when I tried to parellel another cap across this one, no change was noted.
This receiver uses the same audio amp as the HF150, so if you have a
receiver that howls even with an external speaker, this could be the
Between myself and some other friends, this is the 6th unit I have run
into that needs at least some kind of repair. It would seem that folks get
scared when these receivers start to malfunction, and "jump ship", so to