K4YZ wrote:
I think there's some real significant mental issues with someone
who finds some sinister evil in commenting that pretty faces sell
radios (an "attack", as (s/he) called it), as opposed to those who
defile the memory of a dead child.
But...ya pays your money and you takes your choice.
After asking the respondant to cite, publically and/or privately
where the alleged "attack" was made, the party closed by telling me
they wouldn't talk with me anymore and blocked e mail.
Guess it didn't matter that they started the exchange. Some folks
just don't like to have thier wisdom challenged. Or maybe they were
too embarrassed when they realized they had jumped the gun on thier own
Of course the issue wasn't addressed, nor were questions posed
answered. I didn't really expect as much, but considering the
respondant, I HAD hoped for better.
Steve, K4YZ