Anonymous wrote:
In article
"K4YZ" wrote:
Tarapia Tapioco wrote:
Not you, Nursie.
Don't be so sure.
Oh, so you'd rather spread more lies, then to actually tell
truth. Some example for amateur radio you are setting,
And your prolific use of profanity and defiling the memory
or a
dead child is?
Cry me a river, Nursie.
No need to cry. Did my crying years ago.
In any case, hitting Lloydie, Wogie and Toiddie with such
accusations is like shooting at manure. No matter where the
goes, you're going to hit manure.
My, my, Nursie, and you call yourself a Christian?
Did I? Is there a quoe you can find that said I did?
Says the ###### nursie, wearing that men's girdle under his
little jumpsuit.
Care to take a peek?
I'm not one of your male patients, Nursie. We know you love
doing that sort of thing with them.
But there's a better than average chance you're going to get to
find out just how good or bad of shape I am really in. And your
anonymizer will only slow things down...Not stop it.
And I'd say as usual, you don't back up what you purport.
So what do I need to do? They've been quoted,
verbatim, in
this and other venues. No need to waste bandwidth so you can
about yourself.
So, you admit you don't have any evidence, Nursie. Quoting and
providing are two different things.
The evidence is court documents already posted in this forum.
"Seems" to me you need some remedial English, Nursie. How
you ever fill out a patient's charts correctly?
I manage. Of course I have to leave out the "f" word,
"&&&&sucker", etc, which would seriously reduce your available
It seems to get your panties all in a twist, Nursie.
You keep refering to undergarments and same-gender perversions. If
you would like, I can offer you a few points-of-contact for
Then you need to have somebody read 97.519 (d)(2). Check
you'll have to have somebody read it to you.
At least you spelled "seems" correct this time, without the
unnecessary apostrophe.
Seem's to me you have little to argue EXCEPT punctuation.
"Seems" to me you backpedal when you are confronted with facts.
Seems to me you are confused.
The YOU had better review some of those "plum"
assignments. They
weren't all plums.
Nice of you to admit he had backwater ******** assignments,
Nursie. Way to support your friend.
Not al of his assignments were "plums". He stated that himself.
And I seriously doubt taht you have even the FIRST idea of
in "first year nursing".
Don't be to sure about that, Nursie.
I am quite sure of it.
Speaking from experience, since half the Fleet screwed your
mommy when your drunk daddy was not on leave.
Nice support of your "friend", too, agreeing that his daddy
assraped him.
You've avoided the question. Who's YOUR daddy?
At least I know who he is for sure. Unlike that drunk of yours
who croaked not soon after Taelor.
To whom do you refer? No one I know, drunk or othrwise, has passed
away since my daughter died.
I imagine that any "flyers" posted on phone polls were
Nursie, what are "phone polls", is that anything like a
over the phone? Oh, Nursie, you are as ignorant of the law as
you are of everything else. It is illegal to post anything
on a
utility pole. The power company needs a clear path in case a
worker has to climb them.
My bust on pole-vs-poll. But I think you got the idea.
Excuses for your screw ups doesn't was, just like you, Nursie.
What? English, please.
Did you mean "doesn't wash"...?!?!
At least I can stand up and admit my errors. You just wallow in
And it does not mitigate the communities need to know
what kind of
pervert is in their community. I haven't seen anything here
yet to
cause me to believe you are anything else.
Nursie, your logic skills are as poor as your English skills.
So far, they are better than yours. Not that it takes much.
You should know, since they put a few up about you, Nursie.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...NOW who's lying...?!?!
You are, Nursie.
You're welcome to re-post the items wherein you claim I am lying,
Anonymous Coward, but I bet they won't be forthcoming.
Your personality isn't that good, Nursie.
That's why I have a job that requires a bit more talent
skill...Anyone can get a job announcing the Blue Light Special.
You've yet to demonstrate any of that "skill", Nursie.
And why would I need to? I am working as an ACLS ER Nurse.
Yes, your adherance to double standards is well known in this
newsgroup and elsewhere.
I'd love to hear YOUR interpretation of what a "double
You never hear anything, Nursie, your balding skill is tickling
your prostate.
Dodge, dodge, dodge.
Of course in order to have ANY standards, one must have
some basic
principles of conduct, and yours seem to be to make anonymous
and prolific use of profanity.
Aww, are you gonna cry, Nursie?
Why should I? I'm not the one with a morals and ethics problem.
The GOOD thing is that you ahve no where to go but up.
The good thing is I don't "have" your command of the English
language, Nursie.
A letter transposition is not an English skills deficiency,
Anonymous Coward.
And still made more sense then the stupid statements you
There ya go...Correcting MY grammar then making your own
Wrong, Nursie.
Nope. Nice snip, though.
Oh, Nursie, you are so cute when you get angry.
Oh, I'm not angry. Quite the contrary. It's not
Not for cowards like you.
Your post shows you are, Nursie.
Then you have a comprehension problem that exceeds even my
estimations. Seek remedial assistance.
Steve, K4YZ