Morning Headlines - Schiaivo....
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April 2nd 05, 06:08 AM
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"BDK" wrote in message
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"Brian Running" wrote in message
Says who?
Says the court that heard the evidence in a trial, in which all
including Terri Schiavo's parents, were able to present evidence, and
which found that she did not want to be kept alive. It's called "due
process," and you'll be glad when it's there to protect you, too.
This had nothing to do with Terri's wishes. It was all about what
Schiavo wanted. Out of the marriage and insurance money.
You must have slept through the thousands of times it was told there is
no money, and he could have divorced her, and gotten paid off to do it
by "terri supporters", but didn't, because he wanted to fulfill her
wishes not to live as a meatshell..
He's a stand up guy..
Her parents, supposedly are selling the list of supporters, if true, I
guess they will come into some dough after all..
He won a million dollar malpratice settlement. He wasent really interested
in having her wishes fullfilled until the payout day.
The one million was divided up like this
700,000 of it was put into an account FOR HER CARE. It's gone.
300,000 went to him, for loss of her companionship. He went to nursing
school on it, to help care for her, (that *******!!) and almost all the
rest went for advanced therapy to try to help her. (that SOB!) It's gone
The only money will be from the book he's probably getting offers for
now. Her parents shouldn't get any of that money either.
He didn't do anything wrong in this at all.
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