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Old April 2nd 05, 07:21 PM
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"Pam" PamHoffer@nosplam wrote in message ...
Hello. My name is Pam. I once ran an ISP in the West Virginia/Ohio area.

Roger Wiseman was at one time a subscriber to my services, but that didn't
last long.

Why, you ask?

Mr. Wiseman was never the best of customers and from the very first week
him signing with us the complaints rolled in. The majority of the
centered on the fact that Mr. Wiseman was posting libel and did so with a
before unheard of amount of filthy verbiage.

I, Pam, warned Mr. Wiseman on several occasions. Mr. Wiseman responded by
placing the blame on others, others whose names or IP addresses he could
provide. He assured me that the violations would stop.

Then, about three years ago, I received a printout from a person who
himself Arf! Arf! In the printout were numerous posts, with headers, made
Mr. Wiseman in which Mr. Wiseman described me in the most vile of terms.
After receiving these printouts I decided that it would be useless to
any further warnings to Mr. Wiseman. I then terminated his account.

Mister Wiseman was with us for less than a year and was told that he would
not be allowed another account.

It is our policy to refuse service to anybody who violates our terms of
service, those being the use of abusive language and the posting of
statements. Mister Wiseman was placed on notice that he is no longer
and need never again apply for another account with us.

Mister Wiseman has been informed that he is a "persona non gratis".


Hello Pam,

Did you kick Roger off before or after the FCC ordered him to retest
twice for causing malicious qrm to other hams?
