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Old October 11th 03, 09:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Ron wrote:

Re The Transfers well in my searches I came across this

If you read the Ink jet one it appears that you can print a design on
this paper which become waterproof on drying and can then be cut
out soaked and wet slide transfered on to any surface including paint
or metal!! so you could I assume take a close up digi photo of any
logo or decal, clean it up and print it ready for use, nice little
niche market hi!!!
thanks from Ron...

If the decals from RockSea aren't complete enough, drop Mike a line and
I'm sure he'll be happy to add any missing words. He posted here some
while back before jumping into Halli decals looking for all the various
words, etc used on the sets.
If you want to DIY your own decals thats easy enough. A font that is
VERY close to the Hallicrafters font is named CHANL and you should be
able to find it on the web.
Waterslide decals via your own printer are great but inkjets are at the
bottom of the heap for producing a decal that works on a dark background
because of the inherent transparency in the ink. Laser Jet is better,
ALPS dry transfer is perfect and your local copy store is great with
their $30k machines if you bring along the decal paper stock...about $1
per sheet.

-Bill M