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Old October 11th 03, 10:36 AM
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Default Johnson Viking I

Ok here goes, I have a Johnson Vilike I and it was working then I was on the
air talking and it was my turn to XMIT so I flipped the Plate switch up and
fire shot out of it and it blew the fuse, I replaced the fuse and the switch
and it was working again....The next day I turned it on and all tubes came
on so after wating a couple of min I flipped the plat up to TX and I noticed
the coax relay switch did not switch... so I tried it again and again but
the relay is not working now, I pluged the relay into the wall socket and it
works fine so it is good. Not being a very good tec. I need somnem help
with this.

I checked the plug coming out of the back that the relay plugs into and I
have 110 volts from both terminals....that is puting the ground lead to the
case and checking both sides of the plug is this correct or should I only
get 110 volts from one side of this plug like the house current is ? What
should I look for in this problem ?

I do have the schmatic.

73 Wayne AA5JJ

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