Thread: Quad...
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Old April 2nd 05, 11:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Quad...

Hi all,

First, sorry for my bad language : English is not my mother language...

I would like to build a 4él quad 5bds (10/12/15/17/20). I have only 1 plan
of the antenna. I'm looking for others plans to have several ideas and to
compare the differents schemes.

On the plan I have, the lengths of wire are to phone portion. I do CW
mostly. If I lengthen the wires few centimeters (knowing that a quad have a
large bandwith), spaces between elements changes ? I don't think... because
we can adjust the reflector with a according loop. What do you think about
it ?

I'm taker of yours ideas on this subject.

Thanks beforehand...
