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Old April 3rd 05, 12:05 AM
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"Nomen Nescio" wrote in message
In article
"Dog" wrote:

Hello Pam,

blah, blah blah.... FCC ordered him to retest twice for

causing malicious qrm to other hams?

"Retest twice????"... You never do get it right, do you total
**** up?

July 11, 2000


Mr. Roger L. Wiseman

610 Glen Haven Avenue

Glendale, WV 26038-1302

SUBJECT: Amateur Radio license KC8JBO

Dear Mr. Wiseman:

Pursuant to Section 97.519(d)(2) of the Commission's Rules, 47
Section 97.519(d)(2), the Commission has the authority to re-
administer any
examination element previously administered by Volunteer
Examiners (VE's).
The Commission may either administer the examination itself, or
under the
supervision of a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) or VE
designated by
the Commission.

Accordingly, we are requiring you to re-take the General Class
Examination, (Elements 2, 3(A) and 3(B)) under the supervision
of an
American Radio Relay League Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. This
must be completed on or before September 11, 2000. The required
code speed
that you must demonstrate is 5 words per minute.

Please be prepared to verify your current address and to present
a photo
identification. Pursuant to Commission rules, your license will
be cancelled
if you do not appear for re-examination. You will be granted an
Radio license consistent with the elements you pass upon re-


W. Riley Hollingsworth

Special Counsel, Amateur Radio

Enforcement Bureau
Now where in the letter does it say "interference(qrm) is the
reason for the retest?

Oh, Holsten, is Lardass' buddy, a registered sex offender. Are
you still molesting your Grandson Jason and that little mulatto
mongrel newborn baby of yours?

Steve Holsten
611 W 9th St,
Kennett, MO 63857

That's a post-edited copy of the *real* letter.
