"AA5JJ" wrote in message

I checked the plug coming out of the back that the relay plugs into and I
have 110 volts from both terminals....that is puting the ground lead to
case and checking both sides of the plug is this correct or should I only
get 110 volts from one side of this plug like the house current is ? What
should I look for in this problem ?
If you're seeing 110v from _both_ sides to ground, with the relay unplugged,
then the problem is internal to the unit: the relay won't operate with 110v
on both terminals.
I've never worked on a Viking, but I suspect that the problem is in the
"return" path. Try these steps:
1. See if the 110v is _always_ on the terminals, or if it is switched by the
plate switch. If it's always on, then an internal contact has welded shut,
or there's a short across your new switch.
2. Check the return path where current from the relay returns into the
Viking. If it goes through an internal relay, investigate that.
I do have the schmatic.
Kirchoff is your friend: unless you're blowing a fuse, the voltage drops
will add up to 110v, so follow the chain from the supply to the switch or
relay that powers the antenna relay connector, and then to back to the AC
input. Remember that the 110v AC supply is (I hope!) isolated from ground,
and you must have a path from one side of the cord, through your control
contacts, through the antenna relay, and back to the other side of the AC
cord. If this circuit is grounded at any point inside the Viking, look for
cracked wires and abrasion faults where the wire bundle meets your new