Thread: Repair
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Old April 3rd 05, 09:57 PM
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Default Repair

Glad I came across this group, looks like plenty of smart people here. I
have been in scanners snce 1989 and own a Realistic PRO-2006 (modified
some), a Yaesu FRG-9600, and a Bearcat BCT-7, and several other very
nice shortwave receivers.
Maybe someone has some ideas on this one: My Lowe HF-225 bacame dead on
all bands but MW, keypad and frequency display are working fine, cutoff
point seems to be around 3000khz, not certain anymore, but there is a
definite cutoff point in there where it just gets quiet, which leads me
to suspect input filters, coils, or other front-end circuits. This may
have been result of lightning damage. All other functions working OK. I
have the service manual with schematics and have done some work to this
radio in the past. Can you give me any leads? I really miss ths radio.
Email welcome (no spam) Thanks,
Bob from Michigan