On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 23:53:06 GMT, "RadioGuy"
Edward Knobloch wrote in message
Hi, Gang
The 6146 was introduced by RCA in Jan 1952 QST (full page ad).
It was advertised as the big brother to the 2E26, which had been around
since about 1946.
Ed Knobloch
Thank you Ed for the information. I knew the 6146 went back to the early
50's or so but I didn't know it was 1952; I did find tube specifications
dated May 1952 though. I had absolutely no idea that the 2E26 went back to
1946---that is interesting!
I remember those RCA ads on the back of QST; they probably would look real
nice in the radio-room after being mounted and framed. I recall one that
proudly advertised the 5763, 2E26 and 6146 as the ideal tube line-up for a
RG, Check out my response to you on the topic of "Drake Finals".
Actually, you've probably deleted that...see Glen Zook's page at