Thanks for this info. Unfortunately, Atmel doesn't make the T4334 now.
But, while searching the site for keywords, I found the ATA5283 and
ATA5282 125 khz receiver chips that draw less than 4 microamps while
listening. I don't think there is anything inside the chip that limits
the frequency of operation though, these should operate at much lower
frequencies if an appropriate tuned circuit is attached.
So, I will look at these chips in detail later.
I was attracted to the Temic wwvb/dcf77 receiver chips because they
draw 30, a receiver that draws 4 microamps is indeed
low power and is very promising.
In any case, Temic was bought out by Atmel.
I believe Atmel called this chip T4224 but when looking for it on their
web site it ain't there.