On Mon, 4 Apr 2005 01:01:40 +0200 (CEST), Secwet Not-Woger whined:
: In article
: Stagger Lee wrote:
: On Sun, 3 Apr 2005 17:25:33 +0200 (CEST), Not-Woger
: wrote:
: : In article
: : Stagger Lee wrote:
: :
: Oh my. I see you're still reading Usenet via Google. The
: ellipsis is
: a dead giveaway.
: I see you still hide behind an alias. But that yellow streak
: running down your back is something you can't hide. You whine
: about somebody using a remailer, yet you hide behind a fictional
: black man and a fictional isp name. Hypocrite.
What is it the flamers say? PKB or IKYABWAI? Either appellation would
fit the incredible case of Secwet Not-Woger becoming indignant about
someone who uses a pseudonym. At least I can be traced, provided that
one has a legitimate reason to provide to my USP. The real Woger has
made several attempts at that, all of which have failed. The last
time he sent a poison pen email to my USP, I responded by outing him
at his Stratuswave ISP. A few months later, Stratuswave kicked Woger
off their service.
: And, the last time I checked, I'm still not Roger.
And it's a good thing too. The real Woger has lots of enemies who are
eager to try and get him dumped from his ISPs. If you were Woger, it
would be tempting to release the identities of your current ISPs to
your enemies and to let them do the rest.
: Since when? You post things that have no basis in reality.
And you do?
: Subject: Get on the Marshall County ARES webpage......
: Date: 3 Jul 2002 22:03:46 GMT
: From: (Stagger Lee)
: Organization: Houston's least reliable ISP
: MsgId:
This is a very Woger-like thing to do: Post something which
absolutely isn't to be found on groups.google.com. I just looked at
the entire archived thread on google, and there is no such post there.
Could it be that you have it saved on your own machine, or are you
simply a post-editing liar?
But I digress: The topic is supposed to be the multiple retests which
were apparently ordered by the FCC. Some people claim that the FCC
letters posted here have been post-edited to omit the additional
tests, and the group has been attempting to get at the truth of the
Unfortunately, Woger is nowhere to be found and can't shed any light
on the topic. Since you yourself say that you've looked in a mirror
and noticed that you aren't Woger, I'm afraid that the real question
remains unresolved.
What a pity.
In message , AB8MQ contradicts himself with
"Hi, Kindly **** off. I don't give a **** whether or not you use your
real name or not."