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Old April 4th 05, 08:39 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Fritz Wuehler wrote:

In article
Dave Heil wrote:

What is "recieved"?

What just a transposition of letter, but you "received" your
daddy's d--k up your a--hole.

"What just a transposition of letter"? Nice job, Grog. What makes you
veer toward discussions of father-son homosexual activity? Is this
something from your childhood?

You ar a liar.

What is "You ar"?

Looks like a dropped letter. Do you need glasses?

Nope, I saw right away that something was wrong. Why is it that you can
notice every typo in Steve's posts, but none on your own?

Yes, Roger, you've had a number of chats with Chief

No, I haven't. Still not Roger, dumbass Dave.

Ah, I see. If you were Roger, you'd have had a number of chats with
Chief Stenger.

He isn't about to get another one either, dumbass.

If I were you, I wouldn't want to make a bet on that.

Aww, is the big tough Nazi going to snivel and whine to the

I don't know about any Nazis or any sniveling and whining, but I'll be
quite pleased to forward this recent series to the Chief, using the
e-mail address provided me for just this purpose.

I'd still bet he won't get one.

I don't suppose you're very good at cards.

Goddamn, are you one stupid f--k.

Then again, I'm not the one getting into scrapes with the law

and with
the FCC.

Neither am I. And you still are a stupid f--k.

I get it. If you were Roger, you'd have had a number of encounters with
law enforcement and with the FCC. In your world, one who has never had
such encounters is stupid and you're the sharp guy. That's interesting.

What is your fixation on homosexuality, Roger?

What is your fixation on Roger?

You answer my question and I'll answer yours.

Okay, you've visited my
web site. You've seen a photo of me with Muddy Waters. Now


Oh, so you did have an "intimate" relations with him.

I've said nothing like that. I admit to having a web site and to having
a photo of me and the late Muddy Waters on it. Now what?

You mean you made forged tapes of him and sent them in.

Well now, that would have been tricky. You see, I was in

Tanzania when
you had your run in with the FCC.

It figures you'd be in a backwater, but since I'm not Roger, I
haven't had any run ins with the FCC.

I see. You haven't had any such run-ins, but Roger has. What about
your accusation that I submitted "forged" tapes and sent them to the
FCC? What happened to that?

You and
your fatassed buddy Bertie, who when talks about a hard drive
describes the physical dimensions, not the capacity.

I see another problem with your theory, Roger. Bert was on

active duty
with the military in Germany during that period. That leaves

you locked
on the horns of a dilemma.

Am I, Roger saw fatassed Bertie in a computer store querying
about a replacement hard drive. And it sure as hell wasn't in

....and it sure as hell wasn't during the period in which Roger (not you)
got his ass in a crack with the FCC over malicious interference. Bert
was on active duty with the Army in Europe. Now, what about your silly

By the way, I know the local who did it, but
I'm not telling. Needless to say that the FCC found the tape

Really, since when is a warning letter to Roger with alledged
evidence convincing.

The FCC was concerned enough to send you the letter based upon the
existence of the recordings. The FCC was concerned enough to have you
retest. Oh, and the word is "alleged".

Let's ask Phil Kane if he has ever heard of an instance in

which the FCC
forced a retest for no reason at all. By the way, do you

consider your
upgrade as "doing something for amateur radio"?

Oh, does Phil Kane have a role as the "official FCC spokesman"?

Phil was a career FCC employee. He'd know about such things. Would you
like me to drop a line to someone currently in the employee of the FCC?

Apparently, you are in denial. What have you done for amateur

You left out the "?" I'm not in denial. You spewed something about
your upgrading your license as if that were "doing something for amateur
radio". I'm a VE under the Laurel, Maryland VEC. I've administered many
Novice exams in the pre-VE days. I've provided time and money to third
world amateur radio licensees and clubs. I've served as the President
of a IARU-affiliated amateur radio society in Botswana. I've provided
an opportunity for tens of thousands of DXers and contesters to work a
new country, a new band-country or mode-country from seven DXCC
entities. I've written articles for CQ and Ham Radio Horizons
magazines. I served as President of the Southwest Ohio DX Association.
I acted as moderator for the Dayton Hamvention DX forum for a number of
years. I've made presentations on my DX operations at the Dayton
Hamvention, SWODXA annual dinner, the W9DXCC dinner, the Greater
Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association and the NPARC.

Your turn.

Your posts sure don't do anything for it.

Maybe I don't have the hang of it. Perhaps if I spent a number of years
posting vile filth and lies about any number of people, threw in a
number of references to the deaths of loved ones, tossed in some
material about homosexual or incestuous activity and spewed some filthy
material about spouses, I could reach your level. I might go in for
some sociopathy lessons.

And Roger still passed the "retest" and even upgraded....much to
your chagrin.

Yes, he did, much to my chagrin. He can't keep from shooting himself in
the foot though--so there's still a goodly chance that he'll not be
involved in amateur radio for very long. You see, Roger is never heard
on the air in a QSO. There's never a, "Hello, Jack. I've been busy in
the garden" from AB8MQ. Roger lurks and hides, just like he does here.

I noticed you dodged the question of what you have done for
amateur radio.

I provided some information above. Your turn. A single, truthful line
of your contributions will suffice.

For somebody who says they've been a ham as long as you are,

sure don't know Part 97.

There is no proof of your statement. I've never had any

problems with
the FCC--none.

Yeah, that's not what a FOIA inquiry says.

Cough it up. Post it here. Otherwise, you'll remain forever a liar.

Obviously, you have a reading comprehension problem, too.

I understood what you wrote. It isn't even close to being true.

High-el forgets to mention the years of therapy he had to

after his daddy assraped him repeatedly as a child.

What is this homoerotic fixation you have, Roger? Have you

sought help
for it?

What is this homoerotic fixation you have on Roger?

You seem confused. I wrote nothing homoerotic about Roger Wiseman or
anyone else. I simply responded to the lies you wrote, Roger-Not-Roger.

Maybe you
are in denial about your homosexuality.

You write frequently about homosexual acts and incestuous sex acts with
children and that is supposed to make me a homosexual? There are some
flaws in your thinking processes. Then again, that has been obvious for
quite some time.

Pot kettle black.
You have been running your mouth and doing

You can check in with your local police. You'll find that

they have a
large number of your newsgroup posts and e-mails to me on hand.

Since I'm not Roger, how would my local police have your e-mails.

I get it. ;-) If you were Roger, the local police would have a large
number of your newsgroup posts and e-mails on hand.

They probably don't have Roger's either.

Run down and ask them. Since you aren't Roger, you won't have anything
to worry about.

I've visited them a number times when you were the only topic.

That isn't
exactly "doing nothing".

No, it's showing what a sniveling whining c-nt you are.

That isn't correct. Your lack of respect for law enforcement is likely
based in your experience with them. Folks who don't get involved on the
wrong side of the law aren't ever likely to have any such feelings.

In this case, you are both the pot and the
kettle. It is evident that you have a problem with "black".

Do you always get your logic from Pee Wee Herman?

We're you the fellow you used the "N" word? Aren't you the fellow you
uses the word "Jew" as a weapon?

Tell us how your deceased Episcopalian priest daddy
didn't molest you and the other altar boys.

Is that from one of your fantasies? Do you have a thing about


No, but weren't you an altar boy in your daddy's church?

Are you writing a book or an article about me? If I was an altar boy,
would that make me the victim of molestation? Would it make my father
the perpetrator? What is your interest in the topic? Have you had such
an experience? Are you looking for one?

You brought up the topic. You asked me to "Tell" about something which
never took place. It isn't the first time you've shown such an
What is the basis for your interest?

Crawl back into your closet until nightfall, Roger. Then you can emerge
with all of the other creepy-crawlies. You might make an interesting
"Fear Factor" episode, though there are some things people with simply
choose not to be around--not even for big money.

Dave K8MN