Thread: G5RV Balun ?
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Old April 5th 05, 01:16 PM
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Gary wrote:
I've looked at several commercial G5RV's and most seem to lack a balun
when the coax is connected to the 450 Ohm ladder line. I would suspect
a 4:1 balun at the coax to ladder line connection would make for a
better operating antenna or perhaps running the ladder line into the
shack here to the 4:1 balun built into my tuner. Though the normal
length of the ladder line coming off the G5RV may not be long enough
to reach my tuner, much less the problem of keeping it away from the
aluminum siding, tower etc. Would my best bet be to get a 4:1 balun
and feed that one end with coax and the other end with the ladder
line of the G5RV ?

Any input appreciated.

Thanks in advance !

73 Gary

Hi Gary,

The impedence at the input end of the twin lead is low on most bands ,
thus there is no need for and impedence transformation at that point. A
1:1 Choke balun is a good Idea to keep RF off the Sheild of the Coax.
But I've used the G5RV both with and without a Choke and they both will
will quite well. If you put a 4:1 balun in the system you will be
bringing the impedence down to about 17 ohms on 20 meters for instance.
not a good match to 50 ohm Coax. The best thing would be to bring the
Ladder line all the way to a balnced tuner in the shack. But the one
with coax will work quite well Especially on 40 & 20 Meters. There is a
lot of info on the net about the G5RV some good Some questionable.

hope this helps 73 , Dave KC1DI