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Old April 5th 05, 11:38 AM
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George Orwell wrote:
In article
"K4YZ" wrote:

To whom do you refer? No one I know, drunk or othrwise,

has passed
away since my daughter died.

Your daddy didn't pass away? Lying on your website?

Yes he did, and no I didn't.

You need to go back and re-read what was written in the part you
SNIPPED in the previous response AND my resposne above.

(comprehension, anonymous lying coward...there's that
comprehension issue of yours leaking out again!)

And Dad didn't drink.

You're welcome to re-post the items wherein you claim I am

Anonymous Coward, but I bet they won't be forthcoming.

Aww, is Nursie getting upset?

Nope. Just giving the Anonymous Lying Coward a chance to prove the
accusations. Of course, the "proof" is not forthcoming.

And why would I need to? I am working as an ACLS ER Nurse.

You never hear anything, Nursie, your balding skill is

your prostate.

Dodge, dodge, dodge.

Pot kettle black......

So far, I've not dodged anything, least of all the weak,
underhanded soft-ball slow pitches you've been trying to field!

Why should I? I'm not the one with a morals and ethics


That's not what your neighbors say, Nursie.

Again with claims...Again with not a single bit of any
evidence...Still an anonymous lying coward.

A letter transposition is not an English skills deficiency,
Anonymous Coward.

Sure it isn't, excuses-making Nursie.

What excuses? You've not proven an "excuse".

Nope. Nice snip, though.

That's what they should have done to you, snipped you so you
couldn't procreate, Nursie. You wouldn't produce defective kids
that die too young.

I didn't "produce defective kids that die too young". The crop
duster that laid cotton defoliant over our house by mistake did,

Nast what that stuff can do to a woman in the first trimester.

Then you have a comprehension problem that exceeds even my
estimations. Seek remedial assistance.

Nursie, you should follow your own advice...especially when you
type "not al" for "not all".

Typographic errors are not "comprehension" deficiencies, anonymous
lying coward.

You still have comprehension problems that are not being
addressed. And you still have an ego and character deficiency that
prevents you from being a self-actualizing human being.

Steve, K4YZ