But it's quite easy to reverse the situation by obtaining large
diameter, high impedance coax and flimsy close-together twin line.
I guess using zip-cord (rubber lamp cord) would be an example.
The type of lamp cord common in South Africa (don't know about other
countries): Two conductors of 0.75mm^2 cross sectional area insulated with
about 1mm of white pvc and a spacing of around 2.5mm has an impedance of
aproximately 60 Ohms. Close enough to 50 to use for quick&dirty dipoles
without balun or tuner. Though have no idea of the velocity factor and don't
really need to bother as I just pull apart the cord until I have what looks
like enough to get a good swr. Then fine tune by pulling more or cutting. A
swr of about 1.3 is achievable.
Roger ZR3RC