dxlover wrote:
PU one of these for three dollars at a yard sale yesterday. It's model
#6-G-601-M, has a 'sailing ship' sewn into the cloth grill over the
It's just AM but what the hey, I saw one on ebay. Any one in here ever own
one and can tell me about the performance, I've googled all night. One guy
said "it's could really pu those signals"..but that is just one persons
It has a real cool looking 'Wave Magnet' in the back that is connected to
the radio, pretty wild looking IMO...lol....anyone have any idea as to the
year it was made or a link you can throw my way?
It'd be appreciated. :-)
^~^~^Monitoring The Spectrum^~^~^~^
*********Hammarlund129X & 140X**********
^^^^^^^^Heathkit Q Multiplier^^^^^^^^^
*~*~++++++GO BEARCATS++++++~*~*~
GE P-780
^~^~^Monitoring The Spectrum^~^~^~^
*********Hammarlund129X & 140X**********
^^^^^^^^Heathkit Q Multiplier^^^^^^^^^
*~*~++++++GO BEARCATS++++++~*~*~
GE P-780
These were made just after WW2. I have one here that I am restoring that was
made in 1946. In complete, but non working condition, they are worth $10-15, in
working condx $30-$60. It is my understanding that they worked very good, I'll
let the group know when I get mine operational.
Wayne, KEØBZ
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