"A.Melon" wrote:
Not just A. Melon, but THE Melon (as Fritz Wuehler) wrote:
In article
Dave Heil wrote:
"What just a transposition of letter"? Nice job, Grog. What
makes you
veer toward discussions of father-son homosexual activity? Is
something from your childhood?
Wasn't your daddy a priest or something?
If you want to play question and answer, you'll need to do some
answering, Roger.
Nope, I saw right away that something was wrong. Why is it
that you can
notice every typo in Steve's posts, but none on your own?
Oh, do tell, "I didn't ask if you cold read" boy.
Watch this, Rog. It really is this easy: I made a typo.
Ah, I see. If you were Roger, you'd have had a number of
chats with
Chief Stenger.
You are slowly cating on, aren't you?
Cating? I caught on a long time ago. You deny that you are you. You
hide behind anonymous remailers because you can't afford to have
yourself identified with your posts. You've had so many run-ins with
law enforcement and have lost so many internet accounts that it just
wouldn't be prudent.
I don't know about any Nazis or any sniveling and whining, but
I'll be
quite pleased to forward this recent series to the Chief,
using the
e-mail address provided me for just this purpose.
Go right ahead. Knock yourself out. Since you keep guessing
wrong about who I am, I suppose you like to look foolish offline
as well.
You have to be a complete feeb to believe that no one sees through your
I'm-not-me routine.
I don't suppose you're very good at cards.
Yeah, but unlike you I don't play "old maid."
What? I guess you really told me, Un-Roger.
I get it. If you were Roger, you'd have had a number of
encounters with
law enforcement and with the FCC. In your world, one who has
never had
such encounters is stupid and you're the sharp guy. That's
Yet, you continue to talk out of your ass.
No, I'm just typing, sharp guy.
What is your fixation on homosexuality, Roger?
What is your fixation of Roger?
Of Roger?
You answer my question and I'll answer yours.
I've said nothing like that. I admit to having a web site and
to having
a photo of me and the late Muddy Waters on it. Now what?
Uh-Huh. Yeah, right, faggot.
You seem to believe that any two adult males who have a friendship or a
business relationship are homosexuals. Do you have any males friends,
Roger? Any female friends? Any friends of any of the several genders?
So, you visit my web site. You've seen a photo of me with Muddy Waters.
Why is it a fetish for you? Are you a musician? Do you have a problem
with black men? Do you have a problem with white men or do you simply
dislike anyone who speaks out against your newsgroup-posted filth?
I see. You haven't had any such run-ins, but Roger has. What
your accusation that I submitted "forged" tapes and sent them
to the
FCC? What happened to that?
You tell me, apparently Wiseman only got a warning letter and a
retest. No fine, no suspention or revocation, so you tell me.
That doesn't answer the question I posed to you, Un-Roger.
...and it sure as hell wasn't during the period in which Roger
(not you)
got his ass in a crack with the FCC over malicious
interference. Bert
was on active duty with the Army in Europe. Now, what about
your silly
Uh-Huh. Nobody but you said it was during that period.
Why sure "somebody" said it. You said it. You claimed that N8NN and I
sent "forged" tapes of you to the FCC, resulting in your getting a
letter from the Commission. The fact that I was in Africa and Bert was
in Germany just zooms over your pointed head.
The FCC was concerned enough to send you the letter based upon
existence of the recordings. The FCC was concerned enough to
have you
retest. Oh, and the word is "alleged".
Which means unsubstantiated or poorly presented "evidence." And
readingf the much posted retest letter,
....your much-posted retest letter...
"Readingf" indeed.
there is no reason other
than the FCC can at any time retest somebody under the VE
That the Commission can have a licensee retest at any time does not mean
that the retest is done for no reason whatever, Roger.
Looks like you are puting 2 + 2 and coming up with 5
I haven't been "puting" at all.
Phil was a career FCC employee. He'd know about such things.
Would you
like me to drop a line to someone currently in the employee of
the FCC?
Go ahead, dumbass.
Remember that you've acquiesced.
Why dont' you even go so far as to ask the
Rilkey guy, too?
You may do that if you like.
You left out the "?" I'm not in denial. You spewed something about
your upgrading your license as if that were "doing something for
amateur radio". I'm a VE under the Laurel, Maryland VEC. I've
administered many Novice exams in the pre-VE days. I've provided time
and money to third world amateur radio licensees and clubs. I've
served as the President of a IARU-affiliated amateur radio society in Botswana. I've provided an opportunity for tens of thousands of DXers and contesters to work a new country, a new band-country or
mode-country from seven DXCC entities. I've written articles for CQ
and Ham Radio Horizons magazines. I served as President of the
Southwest Ohio DX Association. I acted as moderator for the Dayton
Hamvention DX forum for a number of years. I've made presentations on my DX operations at the Dayton Hamvention, SWODXA annual dinner, the
W9DXCC dinner, the Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association and
the NPARC.
(I reinserted the portion you snipped as "blather" since it was in
direct response to what I've done for amateur radio, a question you
asked a number of times. Now that I've responded, I'm quite curious to
learn what you, aside from posting filth in a number of amateur radio
newsgroup, participating in malicious QRMing on 20m and being retested
by the FCC, have done for amateur radio.)
You see, Roger is never heard
on the air in a QSO. There's never a, "Hello, Jack. I've
been busy in
the garden" from AB8MQ. Roger lurks and hides, just like he
does here.
Oh, so you are saying you are obsessed with him, you keep tabs
on him?
How does one keep tabs on that which is never present?
I provided some information above. Your turn. A single, truthful
line of your contributions will suffice.
Mheh. You provided unsubstantiated bull****.
Any of the information I posted is easily substantiated. Knock yourself
For somebody who says they've been a ham as long as you are,
you sure don't know Part 97.
There is no proof of your statement. I've never had any
problems with the FCC--none.
Yeah, that's not what a FOIA inquiry says.
Cough it up. Post it here. Otherwise, you'll remain forever
a liar.
Obviously, you are in denial about it.
Denial that you're a liar? Hardly. Where's the information from any
FOIA request which states what you claim?
I understood what you wrote. It isn't even close to being
Uh-huh. Sure it wasn't true.
Yep. Uh-huh. It wasn't true.
You seem confused. I wrote nothing homoerotic about Roger
Wiseman or
anyone else. I simply responded to the lies you wrote, Roger-
Yet you still keep tabs on his amateur radio qso's and so forth.
What amateur radio QSOs? I've just written that you/him are never heard
on any of the local repeaters or FM simplex channels. I've never heard
you check into a net, involved in a casual ragchew on 2m, 70cm or any of
the HF bands. I'm on the air a lot.
You claim every anonymous poster is him. Sounds like obsession
to me.
You write frequently about homosexual acts and incestuous sex acts with children and that is supposed to make me a homosexual? There are some flaws in your thinking processes. Then again, that has been obvious for quite some time.
Yep, you are a sniveling whining c--t. And had in the past
unfavorable contact with law enforcement.
Gee, Roger, that'd would have made it tough for me to obtain a security
clearance and to pass the frequent DS background updates. It looks like
your claim is vapor.
We're you
It's so easy: I made a mistake. You should try it sometime.
Let's put that snipped material back in. I asked:
"Weren't you the fellow you used the "N" word? Aren't you the fellow
uses the word "Jew" as a weapon?"
Care to provide a truthful response?
You indicated a fixation on incestuous homosexual activity but you
seemed to become nervous when you snipped the following:
"Are you writing a book or an article about me? If I was an altar boy,
would that make me the victim of molestation? Would it make my father
the perpetrator? What is your interest in the topic? Have you had such
an experience? Are you looking for one?"
"You brought up the topic. You asked me to "Tell" about something which
never took place. It isn't the first time you've shown such an
interest. What is the basis for your interest?"
Have you had time to formulate some answers? Would you like to share
them with us?
What makes it difficult for you to relate to other human beings on the
Dave K8MN