I think I recently saw the solution for that on the www. igpix.com website.
If not try eham. I too find mine very feather touch and usually lock the
knob to not hit it and go off by mistake!!!
John, VE3DIX
"Joe S." wrote in message
A month ago I treated myself to a Yaesu FT-857D and ATAS-120 antenna.
Installed the rig on my old truck -- I work the 0400 to 1300 shift at a
building materials supplier 35 miles from home. I use the rig to chat on
and VHF to and from work -- when the bands are dead, I SWL on the FT-857.
I am very pleased with the rig and can hardly wait to get my new house
and move out of this damn apartment into a place with real antennas.
Question for you FT-857 people: The main tuning dial has a really soft
touch -- the slightest movement knocks it off freq. When I'm cruising
in an old truck at 0330 with my right hand resting on the gearshift,
to tune the main tuning dial, it's tough to get a station tuned in. I
I could change the tuning rate to the lowest possible, but, that's another
problem. Is there any way to adjust the drag on the main tuning knob so
it's a bit stiffer and so the knob doesn't move so readily? I think not
thought I'd ask.