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Old April 7th 05, 03:00 AM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:

N9OGL wrote:

And yes you are. Your BLOG comments about shoving razor blades
into our rectums IS a threat

I think you better read again, it was written as a suggestion, not a

And I think you'd better ask a lawyer about where the line is
drawn, Todd.

"Abuse", as defined in current case law, need not be what you said
or how you said it, but in the perceived message of the recipient of
the alleged abuse.

Would you be any less likely to react if I pasted your face on the
south end of a beast of burden and represented it to be "you"...?!?!

no, I could careless and There is difference between a big breasted
women and a animal. but hey, if it's done right I would get a laugh
out of it...I do have a warp sense of humor.

Oh, you're warped, alright, Todd...But it has little to do with
humor...As a matter of fact, I don't think there are too many folks
here who find a whole lot funny about you...And those that do are
laughing AT you...Not WITH you...

Steve, K4YZ

My six year old first grader granddaughter can write sentences that are
more grammatically correct than toddyboy can, and with correct spelling
as well. I would think he would finally get tired of being so dumb.