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Old April 7th 05, 03:15 PM
Psychiatrist to keyclowns
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"Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote: some more proof that you cant stop or influence a
thing the AKC does, wrist flipper.

Inside your pus contaminated, malodorous lump of feces that passes for
a brain, you are so desperate. However, wrist flipper, there is
absolutely nothing you can do to stop the AKC.

Wouldn't it be nice for you to not have a little pea sized brain,
mopeydopey? I bet you pray for a brain.

We will introduce ourselves at the camp ground, mopeydopey. We are not
interested in any male to male actvities, so do not get excited.

Poor little mopeydopey, can't stop the AKC from doing a thing. It would
sure be a bummer to be a wrist flipping keyclown like you. Why don't
you stay home from the truckstops, get yid of that dog yer ole lady
got, and start trying to NOT be such a winged wand carrier and

Wrist flipper cwys and cwys in fwustration. As usual, wrist flipper
just gets laughed at. Poor widdle keycwon boy.