If it's not rated for burial, DON'T bury it.
Some outer coverings break down quickly, others will stand up a little
better. If you have the cable and aren't going to use it for anything
else, you can bury it and cross your fingers. It might last 2 years or
5 years.
If you are going to buy cable, think about buying direct burial cable.
Ship yards and marine places sometimes have spool ends and will sell
it cheaply.
Metal scrap yards (salvage) often get large rolls of 72 ohm hardline,
either used (take down's) or it could be new (but under 500 feet is of
little use to company's that are installing a new cable system) and
new rolls with 500 to 600 feet often end up being sold for the scrap
Also, be aware that you can send control signals down the antenna
cable itself, there is little use for a separate multiconductor cable
for control signals. You can also send dc down the same cable as well.
Since you only need 300 feet, you could purchase a 500 or 1000 foot
roll of rg58 or rg59 rated for direct burial and save the rest of the
spool for the next project.
Ebay has 250 foot of rg-6 direct burial cable, at:
It is selling for $12.99 plus $8.50 for shipping. I realize you need
300 feet, but if you watch ebay, someone will have it in 500 or 1000
foot rolls sooner or later.
For all the work it is to bury a cable, is it really worth it to put
in something that you know will fail and just need to be done over?
PS: Why not remotely locate the receiver at the antenna and send audio
back over the coax (or twisted pair cable rated for direct burial)?
You can send DC down the line to power the receiver and control
signals could be for receiver tuning (DDS vfo).
On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 14:48:57 -0500, Larry D wrote:
Hi guys.
I am putting up a K9AY loop receiving antenna. I will have about 300' of
cable going to it. As I understand it, this cable should be buried for
best performance.
Any suggestions on what cable to use, for both control and signal? Looks
like 6-18 rotor cable will do for control, but I wonder about burying it.
Larry DiGioia N8KU larryatlongwire.com