(deleted personal email and phone as a courtesy to those involved)
Military Radio Collectors Group - 2005 Meeting
Official website:
The tenth annual meeting of the Military Radio Collectors Group will be held
at the NCO Club, Camp San Luis Obispo, California, May 6 to May 7, 2005.
Events will formally begin at 0700 Friday morning, but early arrivals are
welcome on Thursday afternoon, May 5. Registration will be open at 1800
Thursday evening. Those planning to attend should contact Lynn Fielding at
or .
IDENTIFICATION AT THE FRONT GATE! For more information and registration
forms go to:
Secured areas for equipment operation and display will be available inside
the Club and there is ample room on the surrounding grounds and the
campground to accommodate outdoor activities. Suggested operating
frequencies during the meet are 3870 kHz, 3885 kHz and 7293 kHz for AM, 3996
kHz and 7296 kHz for USB, and 29.6 MHz and 51.0 MHz for FM. The use of
146.52 is recommended for simplex operation.
Friday Program
Friday will be devoted to equipment setup and display, operating events,
technical presentations, equipment judging and informal gatherings in and
around the campground. Special activities will include fox hunts on six M,
(51.0 MHz), and 3885 kHz.
Saturday Program
The equipment exchange will be held from 0730 - 1100 on Saturday morning
with a barbecue (advance sign up required) following at noon. The business
meeting will convene at 1300. Event clean up will commence at 1500.
Robert Burger, WB6VMI Topic: The GPT 10K Transmitter
Bart Rowlett, WB6HQK Topic: Evolution of the Field Telegraph, 1903 -
Ludwell Sibley, KB2EVN Topic: The "Gibson Girl" Lifeboat Radio
Bill Feldmann, N6PY Topic: Restoring the Hallicrafters SX-28 Receiver
A time schedule will be provided at registration. Anyone else interested in
providing a presentation, demonstration, or field exercise should contact
Dennis DuVall at
Food and Drink
Coffee and tea will be available during the event for a donation of 50 cents
per cup. Bottled water and soft drinks will be available for 75 cents each.
Continental breakfast items and juice will be available on Friday and
Saturday mornings for 50 cents each. Lunch on Friday, dinner on Friday, and
a lunch on Saturday will be available with advance sign up.
Lunch Friday - Barbecue Tri Tip Sandwich, baked beans, cole slaw, and
dessert by Wild Bill's Barbecue. Approximate cost $11.00
Dinner Friday - Appetizers, Chinese Chicken Salad, Antipasto Salad, Green
Salad, and dessert. Approximate cost $8.00
Lunch Saturday - On Site grilled Barbecue Beef, Chicken, assorted side
dishes, and dessert. Approximate cost $10.00
Those planning to attend and those wanting to participate in the on site
meal options should reply by April 18, Contact Lynn Fielding at or leave a
voice mail at
The bar in the club may be officially open during certain periods and drinks
may be purchased at those times. THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN THE CLUB OR
Video & T-Shirt
Bob Heusser, K6TUY, plans to record the event this year. A T-shirt for the
tenth annual meeting of the Military Radio Collectors Group will also be
Tent and car camping facilities are available on-site adjacent to the NCO
Club. Full RV hookup are available for $14 and electricity and water only
are available for $12 per night. Billeting is available at the camp on a
space available basis for $21 per person per night. Hookup and billeting
reservations can be made by calling
There are no admission charges for this event, but a fair share contribution
of $10.00 is requested from each participant to cover costs.
Camp San Luis Obispo is five miles west of the city of San Luis Obispo. From
the 101, take highway 1 west toward Morro Bay. Turn south (left) from
Highway 1 to enter at the main gate. The NCO Club and the campground are on
the west side of the camp. Direction signs will be posted along the route
from the main gate to the NCO Club.
Points of Contact
Dennis DuVall, W7QHO
Lynn Fielding, KE6JZD (Registration and Logistics)
Bart Rowlett, WB6HQK
Rian Robinson, W6SUV (Equipment Judging)
Hank Brown, W6DJX
Other Useful Information