Thread: Good News!
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Old April 8th 05, 05:22 AM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a
Default Good News!

Well TWO bits of good news.

1) Pastor Peters is actually on for THREE HOURS on Thursday nights on
5070. His regular TWO hours PLUS the one extra hour before those.
That's 21:00 - 00:00 EDT / 01:00 - 04:00 UTC Friday morning.

2) For those of you who missed hearing his sermon tonight on "Pooh
Poohing the Pope Poop!" you'll have a chance to hear it ALL tomorrow
night 02:00 - 04:00 UTC.

And, if you should miss that it will be archived at Just check the archives for the
date of 4/7/2005 and you'll be able to listen online or download it in
Windows Media format, Real Player (? Ver. 10 req) format, or MP3 format.
It *may* be several days before it is posted.

He does provide some vital and critical information that you'll not hear
from many other sources - during this time or mourning for the pope.

Good day! :-)