So you are a dissatisfied customer and your only recourse is to give
Radio-Mart some bad feedback - are you? I believe it is your duty to
give this guy some bad feedback but you are setting yourself up to get
some back in return. Other than out and out lying this guy seems to be
doing quite well via eBay and people that keep on buying from him. He
seems to also have a never ending supply of equipment. I sure hope other
enterprising people don't starting using this guy as an example as to
how to make money on eBay. I expect that if Radio-Mart actually tried to
be honest in his descriptions he would still do quite nicely via eBay.
Life goes on,
Despite what I read here, I bid on some Ebay items offered by
Radio-Mart. I thought I was safe as both items were "Mint" in his
First, an NC-270 w/manual, Mint. Paid about $270, surely a mint price.
It arrived yesterday in certainly less than mint condition. To wit,
Case scratched, front panel chipped, "eyebrow" bezel corroded, knobs
were so groddy tht the color could not be distinguished, fold up front
case stand scratched and bent. On a 1-10 scale, I rate a 7.
Second, a Yaesu FT-401B, Mint, Restored. Paid $180, a good price.
Arrived single boxed, in bubble pack. Box was reinforced with plywood.
The front panel of this 70 lb rig easily popped the one layer of bubble
wrap and bent the main tuning spinner. Rig was filthly and
non-operational. I spent, no joke, 7 hrs cleaning this rig. The pc
boards are still messy. Found a jumperwire on the receiver board
broken. This "Mint" rig an 8 outside; inside, a 4. In addition to the
grunge, it is missing 2 tube shields. I have not had the time to test
for operation since repair.
How does he get ANY positve feedback? He has some Collins gear that
sold for thousands of dollars. If they were as inaccurately described
as these, the buyers must be livid.
He has offered refund, but I have $70 in shipping one way.