It's been a while since we've heard anything about the Bloated
Broadcaster from Belgrade Lakes, so here is a little follow up
concerning the Fat One.
Reliable sources tell us our chubby misfit was employed at an FM
station in Augusta Maine - briefly - before he was fired! Yes, he was
briefly employed as an engineer [believe it or not] until management
realized they had made a Big, Fat, Greasy mistake.
The porky one was canned and at his unemployment compensation hearing,
the lawyer made a remark about him that got tubby a little peeved. The
'Chronicle' can't say what the comment was, but sources indicate it was
not that he is a "child molester," or that he's "chronically impotent,"
an "alcoholic," that he "dresses in women's undergarments," or anything
related to numerous articles published about him in the Manchester
Newsletter, but the comment was apparently related to his (poor?) job
Anyhow, to make a long and funny story a little shorter, the weight
watchers life member took the comment as an insult, and sued for
defamation! [How can you defame a flaming asshole? -Ed.] The Porcine
Prince lost his case locally, so he appealed to the Supreme Court of
Maine, where he -naturally- lost again. After all, he's a loser and
that's what losers do. They lose!
But, his loss is our gain, because out of the loss comes a funny story
that we can tell about him over and over again on the air and in the
newsgroups! Watch this space for news of pending FCC action against his
license. From everyone at MalPen Labs, 73 and good listening!