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Old April 8th 05, 07:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Question for Pete KE9OA

I am experimenting with some Murata Ceramic IF filters.
I have several that I salvaged from some old CBs.
They are all 455Is. I have been trying to stack them
in series. Given the loss figures I have used a simple
JEFT buffer between filter. While this kludge does work,
it doesn't work very well.

Since you design radios you have likely already invented
this wheel. Is it practical to even think about placing
ceramic IF filters in series to improve the skirt?

I have an R2000 with an Irnad 2.1KHz filter that is great.
Since I can't spring $185 at the moment for my other R2000,
I am trying to get the best performance that I can for the
least cash outlay.

Feel free to reply to
I normally only check that account enough to keep it alvie.
What with all the ads for enhancements etc it is too much to
routinly wade through.
