N9GAY wrote:
I'll leave your ass for your little butt buddy Steve. No I figured you
need to go back to Queer Radio Zone (QRZ) I figured that's where you
hang out, you've post there a few time.
Well toady, it looks like you hang out there also.
1.You just said that you read the post there.
2.You posted your gay picture there!
To answer you loser quesion
Your question
Look at how's calling other people a loser!
I only got into ham radio for the purpose of experimenting, and unlike
your little bitch boyfriend,(who only talks on the radio to his little
bitch(YOU) that's what the majority of my amatuer activites consist of
You stupid gay boy, how in the world do you know why I or anybody else
got into ham radio. Unlike you, I don't lie, I've already told you that
I've never talked to steve. So there you go again, you have these gay
fantasies, butts and ass's, you should seek professional help soon. You
have posted that you'd get on the liberty net but you had to hook up
your antenna, is that a hard job, or just more lies? Talking on the lib
net is experimenting? The only thing you can call bitch about me is that
if you got in my face and tried your gay stuff on me, I might think
about bitch slapping myself just to scare you, but that wont happen
cause you're a sissy fake gay liar! You are paththetic, I almost feel
sorry for you!
experimenting. I am very seldom on the radio (although i've spent close
to $10,000 or radio's since I began)
Well I get it now, you are better then me because you have more money to
spend on radio stuff? I don't have any radios at all. Oh wait, there
goes your story about me talking to Steve on the radio!
Toady, please seek help very soon, When I took Abnormal Psychology, I
like to call it Nutz & Sluts, there was a chapter about pathological
liars the capitalized inappropriately. You capitalize hole sentences
sometimes only words such as "YOU", but when you talk about yourself,
you don't use caps? Look above where you wrote "(although i've spent
close to $10,000 or radio's since I began) Shouldn't i've be I've?
i hope that answer the question
(I) (answers)
There it is again i should be I, and no it doesn't answer any questions
at all, just that you have gay fantasies and are a border line psycho!