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Old April 9th 05, 10:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Unplug it, take it apart, short the relay terminals with a jumper. If
the receive comes back, take the relay apart and try to clean the
contacts with an eraser lightly, try to keep them silver polished. Or
replace the relay.
Good luck, 73 Chris VE3NGW/W4 Florida

Chuck W. wrote:

I hope this is just a dumb question and not some complicated problem
that I just bought.

Just picked up a Dentron GLA-1000. Filaments come on in standby, (1100
volts) and the t/r relay seems to be working. However when I put the
amp inline patched with coax between my transceiver and my antenna, I
lose reception as if the receiver can't "see" the antenna anymore.
Even if the amp is turned off. So I won't even try and tune the thing
of course!

Thanks for any suggestions,
