Comedy Central aka N9OGL
Out of simple curiosity (and boredom) upon reading the N9OGL exchanges with
others, I decided to take a look at one of N9OGL's blogs. Needless to say I
couldn't get past his opening paragraph, quoted below. I didn't read the
rest of the blog because I felt that if the rest of it was anything like the
opening paragraph, it wasn't worth the effort.
"I've deiced to write out some of my old idea and explain in greater detail
about some of the theories and concept behind it. The reason behind this
revamping of some of my old idea and theories is due to a group of people in
are societies who have little or no intelligent, these people are called
Amateur Radio operators."
I laughed and then shook my head at the irony of it all. Here he is, stating
that Hams have "little or no 'intelligent'." when this man so exemplifies
the very lack of that for which he belittles others.
Note the beginning of the paragraph," I've 'deiced' to write.", then the
misuse of plurals such as "some of my old idea" and "theories and concept".
Then this Roger Wiseman clone goes on to say, "people in 'are' societies",
and repeats "little or no 'intelligent'".
(I'm sure the misspelling of 'decided' and 'our' were simply typos, hmmm?)
N9OGL is apparently using the same dictionary Roger Wiseman uses, and one
finds oneself wondering how much inbreeding has been involved in their
The blog is a real hoot, some of the best comedy I've seen in Usenet in