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Old April 10th 05, 11:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Schwartz wrote:
It will be interesting to watch you children. I wonder how long it

be before you grow up.

Interesting first post to an Amateur Radio newsgroup...

It is fun to watch you..

Glad that you are able to take something positive away from this.

And, Nurse. Why bother with the likes of him in the first place?

Good question.

In both of my chosen professions, first the United States Marine
Corps and now Nursing, I found that a lot of my colleagues fell prey to
substance abuse. For many of these folks it was simply a matter of
weakness of character...not being strong enough to stay away from the
bottle or misappropriated narcotics to avoid the realities of life.

Every day I see people "my age" who are already "washed up", ready
to give up the ghost at any moment because they never figured out how
to deal with stress in a productive or expressive way.

Todd and his ilk provide a readily available and abundant way for
me to unload those daily stresses. Todd's one of those people who
ENJOYS being humiliated in public..He does it to himself.

Witness his own lack of self respect and humiliation: (Warning:
Patently Offensive, but hey, it's Todd so what did you expect?):

A wise person once told me that, "If you play with a skunk long

it won't be long before you smell like one, too."

I have a bar of soap.

Would it not be much easier to simply ignore OGL? I mean, the guy

all there anyway", so why bother?

Because it's fun! He's a weakminded fool that enjoys being
publically humiliated. I simply accomodate his needs in an efficient
way that we can BOTH enjoy it!

Dealing with OGL is akin to dealing with AB8MQ. Step around the turds

and don't look back. That way you don't have to step in their ####

you can put their smelly comments behind.

I understand where you're going withn this, and in SOME principle,
I agree...However it's been my experience that when you leave lying,
deceitful and mistruthful people to promulgate thier lies unfettered,
you tacitly give them your support and approval.

Todd is foulmouthed. He's admitted to violating numerous sections
of the Communications Act, and he purports to represent some cross
section of Amateur Radio operators in doing so.

That he apparently holds an Amateur Radio license is unfortunate.
I am sure that somewhere, underneath all that garbage, Todd means well,
but that still doesn't mean that the ends justifies the means.


Steve, K4YZ