Dee Flint wrote:
Just filter out the annoying threads. I've been waiting for an
discussion to pop up so if you've got any ideas, throw them into the
under a new thread.
I don't see it happening, Dee.
There's been numerous attemps to truly use this forum in a
productive and meaningful way, but it always wind's up being pulled
into yet another "elitist extras ruining ham radio becasue of morse
code" rantfests.
Myself and a couple other posters, on varying occassions, have
tried to discuss and promote the various spectrum protection
initiatives, for example.
Every one that I started was immediately beset upon by
you-know-who and his usual "the real issue is Morse Code
testing...)rantings. The other two weren't any more successful.
And so far we (Amateur Radio in general) have gone through four or
five evolutions of bills in Washington without success...Of course the
argument AGAINST discussing them HERE is that, allegedly, everyone
"supports" the idea...Well...Obviously not.
Most digital or technical issues wind up on TAPR or other sites,
as do other specialized discussions. Witness Mike Coslo's opening of
the subject of high altitude balloons and telemetery.
My other "try to be serious" issues have dealt with redefining the
WRITTEN tests and their objectives, since "dumbing down" seems to be an
area of contention. Well, no one wants to discuss doing anything other
than making fewer tests and making them if having the
verbatim questions and answers isn't already easy enough. If we
finally get it down to fifty cents and two cereal box tops, someone
will want it to be one box top....
No...I don't think THIS particular forum will ever produce a
single viable discussion with any palpable results. Without the
infrastructure of a guided discussion, nothing productive is possible.
Steve, K4YZ