K4YZ wrote:
Rick Prather wrote:
I came here tonight wondering how far I would have to go in to the
discussion before N9OGL popped up.
Well, only took me one thread. Right on top "blah blah N9OGL"
Can't we get past this, ignore all this troll bait and just have a
productive Ham Radio discussion forum?
If not, 73!
Hi Rick. This forum long-since lost any pretense of being a
viable forum for the discussion of valid issues.
It's solely for mudwrestling. Of course QRZ and eHam DO have
forums that are very productive and don't tend to tolerate the likes
some of our own ner-do-wells. That's where I go when I want to
read/participate in anything remotely approaching a "productive Ham
Radio discussion forum".
Steve, K4YZ
Thanks for the heads-up. I guess what I suspected is true.
I'll try QRZ and eHam and move on.
I almost hate to ask this because the idiots will probably come out of
the woodwork but what is it, do you suppose, that motivates people to
hang out on a Newsgroup or forum for the sole purpose of starting a
If you go to a Mac group there are the PC/Linux dudes telling everyone
what fools they are to use a Mac. On the Ham Radio groups there are a
bunch of jerks telling everyone what idiots hams are, the higher the
license class the bigger the idiot!
If they aren't interested in the things being discussed on a given
forum why do they read it and then feel compelled to jump in?
My guess is that on the Radio groups the troublemakers are mostly the
ones that can't cut it and they have to take it out on the ones that
On the Mac (or whatever) groups they feel they have made the only
"right" decision and they must tell everyone how superior their logic
is and what cretins the rest are for not seeing the world their way.
Oh the sadness of what I call "digital thinking"