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Old April 10th 05, 09:06 PM
Posts: n/a

I_Ain't wrote:
This will squash any legal leg you thought you had to stand on,

N8WWM makes threats to Dayton hamvention participants:
Hey ****,
Wanna meet at Dayton or before? I will whip your gayboy ass
like a red headed step-child. You are a punk-suck fagboy
hiding behind an assumed name who dont have any balls. Come on,
you lap likkin **** hunk...wanna party? I will kick your fukkin
ass. You are a sissyboy faggot ILLEGAL KEYCLOWN.
Go hump your wife Dweebo faggot. You can only talk smoke...I
can bring it into your life.
I think you have never opened a can of whip ass.
I volunteer to show ya how.
Your turn, ****!


STEVEO TO COP: but officer, I'm allowed to commit assault because
some one called me names on the internet...

The cops won't fight for you nad, you'll have to defend yourself or
act like a pussy like your boyfriend dogie.

If you really think I am Leland, then give me a phone call right now.
If theres no answer then leave a number where you can be reached.
Time to act your age, come out from behind your mask and
communicate like two adults. Unless you are afraid to even have
a conversation....

I've witnessed what an adult you are, aol-boi.

The Google archives have nothing to do with you being afraid to
talk to Leland on the phone this weekend. If you have a legit gripe
against the guy, come out from hiding and tell him who you are and
what you want from him. Anonymous internet threats and photo stalking
are the chicken's way out.

What threats, anonymous aol-boi? Ewe got mail, nad.

email? Dont be so fearful. Talking to Lee on the phone wont hurt you.