If Ebay used nicknames for seller/buyer honesty..
% of positive feedback
100% - Saint
99% - Wal-Mart
98 % - K-Mart
97 % - Radio Shack
96% - Street vendor
95 % or less - Ferengi
I think Radio-Mart falls in the Ferengi catagory.
And here for your amusement is the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
: )
On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 15:40:47 -0700, Fred wrote:
Just don't patronize him!
type4 wrote:
Oh its like a little kid sticking his finger in a fan. He knows its going to
hurt but he does it anyway.
Fool and money soon parted etc.
My question is, if he knew this guy had a bad reputation, he read many bad
comments - WHY THE HELL did he buy off him? Makes no sense to me.........
If I read a ton of bad messages about someone - there is no way in hell
I'm buying off them, I don't care who they are.