Thread: SW-3 coil forms
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Old April 11th 05, 06:18 PM
John Bartley
Posts: n/a

Bill M wrote:

Uh-oh. I'm in a quandry here. I just finished restoring an SW-3 and
can't find the coil forms. I don't want to bugger it up by changing
I checked with Jim Fred and he has none and is quite far behind in
already paid orders. He's also the supplier for Ocean State which is
the only other source I know of and he says they are out of stock.

I don't think I can afford originals but does anyone have any of the
aftermarket types hanging around that they'd like to get rid of?

exray at coqui dot net

What do you need Bill??

My basement isn't quite empty yet :-) .

regards from ::

John Bartley
43 Norway Spruce Street
Stittsville, Ontario
Canada, K2S1P5

( If you slow down it takes longer
- does that apply to life also?)