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Old April 11th 05, 08:37 PM
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K4YZ wrote:
KC8GXW wrote:
Read this post by toad

"no where does it give them the authority to regulate ham radio or
pirate radio. Both are still the juridiction of the FCC.
Todd Daugherty N9OGL
Langley Park Telecommunication"

You have to wonder why it uses the word "juridiction" in place of
jurisdiction, what's on his gay little mind?

Or his profile. He doesn't consider himself human!

If this isn't gay then nothing is.

You ever find yourself a little Japanese girl yet perv?

From his "profile":

Born on July 5, 1968 in the small community of Taylorville, in

Illinois. Went to Taylorville High School and graduated in 1987, Now
attending Lincoln Land Community College.

If I were one of the trustees at LLCC, I'd (A) hide my face in
shame, considering that they can't seem to teach Todd how to write,

(B) Sue him to stop mentioning them in his public correspondence.

Been a licensed Amateur Radio operator since 1991 and began flying
airplane in 2004.

Well golly gee whillikers! Toady claims that all Amateur Radio
licensees are demon seed...Guess he speaks from personal
self-assessment, eh?

And Todd...That's not an airplane. It's an ultralight.

Actually I working on getting my Sport's pilot license.

Traveled around the world and the United States.

Too bad he hasn't "traveled" to an Elementary School reading and
writing class lately.

Steve, K4YZ