"Bob" wrote in message ...
The stock indoor seems fine for local VHF but not too good on the 800 mhz
trunked system. How does the dicone work on the 800 mhz band?
Dunno. Never tried one. If it's outdoors or in the attic, it should be
better than a whip on a radio. It's kind of hard to get real good
performance from a vertical through that large a frequency range. You
might want to get a separate 800 mhz antenna. I've been trying
different antennas to try to improve cell phone signals. I made a
little 3 el yagi for cell phones out of 1/4 inch copper tubing.
"silver soldered plumbers delight" I bent the copper boom into an L,
so it can be held and pointed. I may try other antennas like corner
reflectors, bowties, etc, turned vertical for cell phone use. If you
are listening to trunked systems , you may need a fairly omni antenna.
Maybe a collinear vertical or something. You could make one from coax
sections and stick it in a tube of thin PVC. MK