K4YZ wrote:
bb wrote:
Unfortunately, that's not the de facto situation with
message topics...which have ranged widely from the
(usual) bragging and self-glorification of individuals
to U.S. national politics and political figures to
choo-choo trains and other items in-between.
Where's Paul when you need him? He and his group did some fine
work getting the K0AIR call out of the hands of micreants like
The most recent holder of K4CAP never held K0AIR. So one has to
wonder what your point is, Brian...Not that there's ever any
meaningingful point to ANY of it...
Callsign collectors.
It's just ENVY on Robeson's part because he's never
been IN electronics engineering in any way (a short-
term job as a purchasing agent doesn't qualify for
electronics engineering). He never got into military
communications handling despite having that vaunted
amateur radio license before first joining. He never
got to be any kind of military pilot despite having
a private pilot's ticket before joining. [we still
don't know the When and Where of those claimed "seven
hostile actions"...]
No doubt that inadequacy is at the root of his hatred for you.
You continue to insist that I ahte Lennie. I don't. I
understand him better than he accepts tht I do, and therefore make
that OTHERS understand him too.
Just like I do you, Brian.
You hate me too? OK, Mr Obvious.
and tries to use it as a semi-
perjorative. So few know the meaning of that Yiddish
expression (including himself), that he thinks he can
get away with it.
Welp, The Amateur Formerly Known As Reverend Jim doesn't seem to
Wondering who THAT is becasue there's never been an Amateur
as "Reverend Jim" That I am aware of, other than in Lennie's
You know, the guy that trims out "W5TIT" but leaves in "Putz."
What is curious is that Robeson cries/whines/bitches
and moans
about "civility" and use of "nasty" words, yet uses
them himself and is most uncivil in his remarks. See
the "complaint" he alleges he made to Google about
Todd (who has received far too many nastygrams for a
non-amateur-policy subject).
Steve has single handedly given thes rra.misc idiots a home on
Thank you Steve.
They'll soon move on and you and Lennie will have it all back to
yourselves...And it wasn't my doings, Brian...It was Toiddie's
cross-posted rantings, not me, that brought them here.
Please try to keep your "facts" (snickersnicker)straight.
Without you bringing him back for more with your incessant "demanding
of facts" etc, Todd would have dried up and blown away a long time ago.
He fakes "outrage"
that others would do such a thing to HIM! :-) On the
other hand, as the compleat hypocrite, he tells rather
bad, unreferencible LIES about others.
I started counting his new lies last week. He absolutely hates it.
I "absolutely hate" that you further humilate yourself counting
nothing, Brian. You have never substantiated the first alleged lie.
Sooooooo.....Zero is still zero....
Lie #12?
retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person
Oooh! You gonna get Steve all worked up over that last comment.
Why? He (Lennie) still has yet to provide us with so much as one
professional paper with his name on it. So Lennie's claim to having
been a "professional engineer" is vaporware.
Steve, K4YZ
Is that more of your "facts," Steve? An electronic engineer must have
published papers. Hi! Be sure to tell that to Congress before they
let hundreds of thousands more of them immigrate to the USA.
Welp, we always did know that you don't know what you're talking about.
And them's the facts.