Roland Stiner wrote:
I live 2 miles away from WOR 710's transmitter site in NJ. I am receiving
them loudly on thier 5th harmonic on 3.550 MHz. My question is: by how
much does an am broadcaster have to surpress thier hormonics?
Roland, NK2U
I believe this quote from the rules should help:
(b) Emissions 10.2 kHz to 20 kHz removed
from the carrier must be attenuated
at least 25 dB below the
unmodulated carrier level, emissions 20
kHz to 30 kHz removed from the carrier
must be attenuated at least 35 dB
below the unmodulated carrier level,
emissions 30 kHz to 60 kHz removed
from the carrier must be attenuated at
least [5 + 1 dB/kHz] below the
unmodulated carrier level, and emissions
between 60 kHz and 75 kHz of the
carrier frequency must be attenuated
at least 65 dB below the unmodulated
carrier level. Emissions removed by
more than 75 kHz must be attenuated
at least 43 + 10 Log (Power in watts) or
80 dB below the unmodulated carrier
level, whichever is the lesser attenuation,
except for transmitters having
power less than 158 watts, where the attenuation
must be at least 65 dB below
carrier level.
The above is from section 73.44 of the 1-98 edition of the FCC rules. I
doubt they have changed since then.
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