Roland Stiner wrote:
I live 2 miles away from WOR 710's transmitter site in NJ. I am receiving
them loudly on thier 5th harmonic on 3.550 MHz. My question is: by how
much does an am broadcaster have to surpress thier hormonics?
Roland, NK2U
"Receiving them loudly" is rather vague. How many watts are they
transmitting? What kind of antenna pattern? They are probably
operating within specs but overloading the front end of your radio.
Have you tried a tuned trap at 710 KHz? Its simple to build one from a
junk AM radio. Remove the ground connection from the antenna coil, add a
couple antenna connectors with the center pins connected together.
Connect the antenna coil wire you removed from the ground connection to
one of the antenna connector's center pins. Ground the shells of both
antenna connectors to the spot where you disconnected the antenna coil.
Tune the radio to 710 KHz and tune for minimum signal. No you have a
deep notch at 710 KHz and you won't have to worry about overloading the
front end with WOR's signal.
Former professional electron wrangler.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida