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Old April 12th 05, 10:44 AM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a
Default More Deut. 28 Curses?

I won't even pretend to have heard this on shortwave. It's just a
continuation of a topic which is related to some things very often
discussed on shortwave!

1) While thinking on this topic and scanning across the morning paper I
noticed that Quintiles, an NC based company, is sending more jobs to
India. Yep. YOUR medical records are in good hands, even though people
in India know all about them! :-)

2) Then I ran across this:

Basically, it says, "A mysterious rash outbreak in the county has
parents, educators, doctors and health department officials puzzled and

"Children and adults in several county schools and daycare centers are
dealing with the rash, located on the back of the neck just below the
hairline and described as red and bumpy."

3) Thirdly, I noticed a name in the obituaries that I recognized. It
was the 93 year old father of a former classmate of mine with the same
name. The son has been dead for years. Don't know the cause of death
but the son, let's just say, "acted differently" from most normal male

4) Too many people are "loitering" around a boat landing! Aren't you
glad you're FREE?

5) Lastly, five is enough for now, we have a wonderful new excuse to
kill more babies! Yep, they SAY it's just taking blood from the
umbilical cord of "newborn" babies for stem cell research to help out
those folks needing bone marrow transplants. However, the more
abortions we do the more money we make. Money is America's god isn't it?