Thread: RCI 2950
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Old April 12th 05, 03:18 PM
Posts: n/a

barry wrote:
Need some advice, my son hooked the positive to ground is the radio
destroyed ?

Not necessarily. It's common to have built in protection against
hooking something like this up backwards. This protection is commonly
in the form of a diode that blows an internal fuse, when hooked up
backwards. The fuse is usually on the circuit board and not accessible
from the outside. You could open it up and look around the area
where the power enters the unit. If you see just crispy blackened
circuit board, throw it away. If not, look for a fuse or possible
blown diode. A fuse may be in a clip, making it easy to replace,
but sometimes they use fuses with pigtails and are soldered in.
If you are not competent with a soldering iron, find someone who
is and have them replace it for you. You can probably get a replacement
fuse at Radio Shack.

Martin E. Meserve - K7MEM
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