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Old April 12th 05, 04:33 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a


Your citing the likes of Bob Moser tells us all a lot about yourself. A
search of the web for that name provides a Bob Moser who is probably
homosexual as at least one of his articles talks about "gay-bashing" and
he indicates many of his friends and associates fit the category.

I could say MUCH more and quote some of his articles but they aren't
worth it. You probably already knew this so I'm not attempting to tell
you anything you didn't already know. I'm posting for "those who have
ears to hear...."

Isn't Moser another Jewish name? Man, they keep right on appearing
wherever morals are being destroyed. Doctrine of Balaam?


David wrote:

If you don't think America is under attack by religious fanatics who
want to remake the government according to their ideology, read Bob
Moser's piece in the current issue of Rolling Stone.

Moser profiled the Dominionists, a collection of fundamentalist
Christians who believe in rewriting schoolbooks to emphasize Christian
dominance; packing the courts with judges who are obedient to the Old
Testament; make homosexuality sex a felony; and display the Ten
Commandments in every American courthouse. They also want this pledge,
which they recite at their conferences, to be introduced into schools:

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for
whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming
again, with life and liberty for all who believe."

Sure, this is a fringe group, the farthest-to-the-right wing of the
Evangelical Movement. But why do fringe groups from other cultures,
such as militant Islamists, become the object of our aggression, while
these fanatical and dangerous Christians are tolerated and even
quietly encouraged?

Don't believe that this is a threat? How about this quote from
Oklahoma's Republican Senator Tom Coburn's chief of staff?

"I'm a radical! I'm a real extremist. I don't want to impeach judges.
I want to impale them!"

Get ready for a war.

(Will George W. Bush defend the Constitution from these thugs? Or is
he one of them?)