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Old April 13th 05, 12:50 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 22:09:32 -0700, Frank Gilliland

It's a amazing what a little info you can get on a poster's history on Google,
Dave. My favorite about this info on Frank, it the imaginary McDonald's, and the
fishing trip he had at the lake in a storm !!!!

It's amazing how quickly some people resort to digging up the past
when they can't deal with the present.

But the past is what sets a pattern of behavior.

College brat, Nam-dodger, AWOL from the National Guard, DUI, two
bankrupt oil businesses..... yep, just like you said: "the past is
what sets a pattern of behavior".

Now that you've been caught in you own web of hypocrisy, you try to
change the topic. Has Twisty been giving you lessons?

Look at what they're
digging up from Mikey Jackson's past. Looks like Vinnie has exposed
some hypocrisy from you. So maybe you should be a little less zealous
to call other people hypocrites in the future.

What hypocrisy? Where did I contradict myself except to expose your
own hypocrisy?

This isn't about me, although you are attempting to make it so. Making
it about me, deflects from the real story, which is your own blatant

Who's the hypocrite, Dave?

You are. You got all over Vinnie for being a "tough guy", yet you are
on record behaving in an even more aggressive display of the same type
of behavior.

Heck, even Dave agrees with me
on this one -- every time I bring up Bush's DUI or business failures,
Dave says they are irrelevant. So Vinnie, are you calling Dave a liar?

You should leave the spin and deflection tactics to Twisty. He's had
way more experience.

Don't feel bad because you walked into a trap -- if you look back on
our previous discussions you will see that you have walked into -many-
traps I set for you.

You do not possess the necessary social skills to "trap" me. Your
thinking is too rigid and binary. You lack "people skills".

I have a couple traps set right now and I'm just
waiting for you to take the bait.

If that were true, then why announce it?

Have you ever considered a career in agriculture?
