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Old April 14th 05, 05:47 AM
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From: "K4YZ" on Wed,Apr 13 2005 1:16 am

From: K4YZ on Apr 12, 6:04 am

I've provided names and callsigns of those who know
me, but you have NOT contacted them. Instead, you
MANUFACTURE some person at NADC that claims to know
me...a decade after I'd been there and a PhD to boot
but NOBODY (but you) knows the name.

Let's see....I "contact" some beer drinking buddy of yours who
you've already briefed on what to say and he'll tell me...what?

And The person I knew at NADC was an acquaintance of
mine...certainly no one who owed me any favor or would make up

He has a REAL Doctorate in Electrical Engineering and HAS been
published. He has credentials that I trust. You don't.

You are getting way too deep in your psychosis.

Regardless of how much you "believe" the above to be
true, for the purposes of argument in here you must reveal
the name of that person or PUT IT AWAY. I was visiting NADC
34 years ago as an employee of RCA Corporation and stayed
there a total of three months. The former Naval Air
Development Center, NOT NAS Warminster across the road.
I had daily contact with only three NADC engineers in
that group and NONE of them would be "your acquaintence."

The only one "fortunate" was you, Lennie. But then I've had
several years of rubbing your nose in your lies, deceit and mistruths
here to make up for it.

You are living in some fantasy again. Reset.

Nothing lost for me. Lot's lost for you. Like any chance at ever
being accepted for what you THINK you should be....

Tsk, tsk. The ONLY thing I've "lost" is thinking you
might be rational. I'm way too optimistic. You aren't

I had all the "proof" I need, Lennie.

A third party with no allegience to protect. A man with a
professional reputation that I can bank on.

You have BOGUS "proof." Non-existant. That "acquaintence"
doesn't exist. You made him up.

He didn't know you "a decade after (you were) there". He knew

WHEN you were there.

And I do not name him because I protect his privacy at his

1. You can't name him because he doesn't exist.

2. The ONLY thing you are protecting is your own
bragging LIE about that fantasy individual.

3. "Protecting privacy" is totally bogus. Rationalization
expressed to attempt masking your own LIE.

I have no reason to doubt his assessment or opinion.

You probably believe your own fantasy. To you it is
"truth." To everyone else it is just your fantasy.

There is nothing "rational" about adult males repeatedly and
adamandtly lying in public, Lennie. but the two of you keep doing it.

Then you are your own worst enemy since you are describing

The only way you can clear your LYING is to name this
supposed person in order to actually prove something.
Your "word" that he exists is also bogus. He doesn't
exist anywhere except in your own psychotic imagination.
Your "word" is therefore meaningless.

Provide this "name." Without it you have a bogus
"reference" that means nothing.

You are SICK and need help. Go get some.